History of as tools : people
- Vannevar Bush : memex , J.C.R Lincklider : computer networking, agents , Ted nelson : hypertexp and Alan Kay : object-oriented proframming, laptops etc..
History of HCI as tools : systems
- Memex(1945), Apple lisa(1983), WWW(~1994) etc..
History of HCI as tools : funding
- Military : Navy,Air Force, ARPA, DARPA / Universities : MIT, Stanford, CMU, UC/Government : National Science Foundation(1950~now)
Where does HCI meet AI?
- basic design question: should the computer act like a person?
- even "direct-manipulation" interfaces are based on a "conversation" metaphor: the computer responds immediately to each action or command from the "user".
What problem does weizenvaum's ELIZ system address or solve?
- The artificial intelligence answer: it does (or does not) behave like a human and is therefore successful(or not successful)
- The ethnomethodology answer: it is taken to be a like a person in a conversation and thys simply works like most other technologies in a social situation.
Johnstone's "algorithm"
- I Say to an actress, 'Make up a story.' She say "I can't make story". I've thought of one ; 'Yes' to any question that ends in a vowel, 'No' to any question that ends in a consonant, and 'Maybe' to any question that ends with the letter 'Y'. She free 'creative' or 'sensitive'. Story made by me(her), She think that companion made story.
- Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world. Human compose social phenomenon by subjectivity and they are stabilized by oneself.